Educational Software Cooperative 4
Educational Software Cooperative 4.iso
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Text File
640 lines
College & Adult=College & Adult
High School=High School
Jr. High=Jr. High
Arts=Pre School Arts
Computer Skills=Pre_School_Computer_Skills
English Language Skills=Pre School English Language Skills
Mathematics=Pre School Mathematics
Miscellaneous=Pre School Miscellaneous
Teaching Aids=Pre_School_Teaching_Aids
Arts=Elementary Arts
Business Skills=Elementary_Business_Skills
English Language Skills=Elementary English Language Skills
Foreign Language Skills=Elementary Foreign Language Skills
Hobbies & Leisure=Elementary_Hobbies_&_Leisure
Mathematics=Elementary Mathematics
Miscellaneous=Elementary Miscellaneous
Science, Social Sciences=Elementary Science, Social Sciences
Teacher's Aids=Elementary Teacher's Aids
Teaching Aids=Elementary Teaching Aids
[Jr. High]
Arts=Jr. High Arts
English Language Skills=Jr. High English Language Skills
Foreign Language Skills=Jr. High Foreign Language Skills
Teacher's Aids=Jr. High Teacher's Aids
Teaching Aids=Jr. High Teaching Aids
Business Skills=Jr._High_Business_Skills
Science, Biology=Jr._High_Science,_Biology
[High School]
Arts=High School Arts
English Language Skills=High School English Language Skills
Hobbies & Leisure=High_School_Hobbies_&_Leisure
Miscellaneous=High School Miscellaneous
Teacher's Aids=High School Teacher's Aids
Teaching Aids=High School Teaching Aids
[College & Adult]
Arts=College & Adult Arts
Business=College & Adult Business
English Language Skills=College & Adult English Language Skills
Foreign Language Skills=College_Adult_Foreign_Language_Skills
Hobbies & Leisure=College & Adult Hobbies & Leisure
Miscellaneous=College & Adult Miscellaneous
Sciences=College & Adult Science
Teacher's Aids=College & Adult Teacher's Aids
Teaching Aids=College & Adult Teaching Aids
Arts=Uncategorized Arts
Business Skills=Uncategorized Business Skills
English Language Skills=Uncategorized English Language Skills
Foreign Language Skills=Uncategorized_Foreign_Language_Skills
Hobbies & Leisure=Uncategorized Hobbies & Leisure
Miscellaneous=Uncategorized Miscellaneous
Religion=Uncategorized Religion
Science, Astronomy and Space=Uncategorized Science, Astronomy and Space
Science, Earth Science=Uncategorized Science, Earth Science
Science, Social Sciences=Uncategorized Science, Social Sciences
Teacher's Aids=Uncategorized Teacher's Aids
Teaching Aids=Uncategorized Teaching Aids
[Pre School Arts]
Magic Crayon 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Mcrayo40\Mc.exe
Z And Z Color 3.2=\Zzcolr32\Install.exe
Z And Z Puzzle 1.1=\Zzpuzz11\Install.exe
[Pre School English Language Skills]
Animal Quest 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Aquest40\Aq.exe
Animated Words (DOS Program)=\Awords40\Awords.bat
Roxie's ABC Fish V1.2=\Rabcfa12\Install.exe
Roxie's Reading Fish V1.2=\Rreafa12\Install.exe
Talking Babysitter=\Babysit1\Babysit1.exe
Talking Phonics=\Phonicsw\Phonics1.exe
Talking Teacher For Windows=\Teachwin\Setup.exe
The Animated Alphabet (DOS Program)=\Alpha10\Alphabet.bat
[Pre School Mathematics]
Big Math Attack! V2.35 (DOS Program)=\Bigma235\Bigmath.exe
Math Challenge V4.1 (DOS Program)=\mathch41\read_me.bat
Penny Penguin's Math Bingo V2.3=\Mbinga23\Install.exe
Roxie's Math Fish V1.2=\Rmatfa12\Install.exe
Talking Numbers For Windows=\Numbers\Setup.exe
[Pre School Miscellaneous]
Animal Quest 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Aquest40\Aq.exe
Animated Bugs (DOS Program)=\Abugs10\Bugs.bat
Play 'N' Learn In Windows=\Pnlw1\Setup.exe
Z And Z Color 3.2=\Zzcolr32\Install.exe
Z And Z Puzzle 1.1=\Zzpuzz11\Install.exe
[Elementary Arts]
A Musical Tutorial V1.2 (DOS Program)=\mtdos12\install.exe
A Musical Tutorial V1.4=\Mtwin14\Setup.exe
Crayon Box V4.1 (DOS Program)=\Crayon41\Go.bat
Lil' Picaso V1.2 (DOS Program)=\Lilpic12\Go.bat
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
Z And Z Color 3.2=\Zzcolr32\Install.exe
Z And Z Puzzle 1.1=\Zzpuzz11\Install.exe
[Elementary Foreign Language Skills]
Talking Spanish=\Spanish#\Spanish.exe
[Elementary English Language Skills]
Animated Words (DOS Program)=\Awords40\Awords.bat
Bert's African Animals V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertaa46\Bert.exe
Bert's Christmas V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertca46\Bert.exe
Bert's Dinosaurs V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertda46\Bert.exe
Bert's Prehistoric Animals V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertpa46\Bert.exe
Bert's Whales And Dolphins V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertwa46\Bert.exe
Diagnostic Prescriptive Reading (DOS Program)=\Dpr\Hello.exe
Peter's Airplanes V1.4 (DOS Program)=\Peter14\Peter.exe
Rachel's Fashion Dolls V2.6 (DOS Program)=\Dolla26\Doll.exe
School-Mom Plus For DOS 6.2 (DOS Program)=\sclmom62\read_me.bat
Spell Games (DOS Program)=\Spellgm\Spell.exe
The Animated Alphabet (DOS Program)=\Alpha10\Alphabet.bat
Type Games (DOS Program)=\Typegame\Typegame.exe
Wonder Word (DOS Program)=\Wonder\Wonder.exe
GTI Wordgrid V2.1=\Gtiwrd21\Setup.exe
Roxie's Reading Fish V1.2=\Rreafa12\Install.exe
Talking Babysitter=\Babysit1\Babysit1.exe
Talking Phonics=\Phonicsw\Phonics1.exe
Talking Spelling=\Spellin1\Spell1.exe
Talking Teacher For Windows=\Teachwin\Setup.exe
Weekly Speller V1.1=\Wspell11\Setup.exe
[Elementary Mathematics]
Animated Clock (DOS Program)=\Aclock30\Aclock.bat
Animated Money (DOS Program)=\Amon10\Money.bat
Animated Math (DOS Program)=\Amath10\Math.bat
Animated Multiplication And Division (DOS Program)=\Amd30\Amult.bat
Beat The Bomb V1.40 (DOS Program)=\Btbs140\Btbs.exe
Big Math Attack! V2.35 (DOS Program)=\Bigma235\Bigmath.exe
Dot-Mania V1.2 (DOS Program)=\Dotman12\Dot2Dot.bat
Math Attack II: Fractions V1.0 (DOS Program)=\Fraction\Install.exe
Math Challenge V4.1 (DOS Program)=\mathch41\read_me.bat
Math Sampler V1.30 (DOS Program)=\Msamp130\Ms1.exe
Mathgame (DOS Program)=\Mathgame\Install.exe
Penny Penguin's Math Bingo V2.3=\Mbinga23\Install.exe
Roxie's Math Fish V1.2=\Rmatfa12\Install.exe
School-Mom Plus For DOS 6.2 (DOS Program)=\sclmom62\read_me.bat
School-Mom For Windows Vol. 3=\Wmath10\Setup.exe
Talking Numbers For Windows=\Numbers\Setup.exe
[Elementary Science, Social Sciences]
Dinosaur Predators 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Dinop40\Dp.exe
GEOUSA V2.0=\GEOUSA20\Setup.exe
[Elementary Teaching Aids]
Animated Clock (DOS Program)=\Aclock30\Aclock.bat
Bert's African Animals V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertaa46\Bert.exe
Bert's Christmas V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertca46\Bert.exe
Bert's Dinosaurs V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertda46\Bert.exe
Bert's Prehistoric Animals V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertpa46\Bert.exe
Bert's Whales And Dolphins V4.6 (DOS Program)=\Bertwa46\Bert.exe
Peter's Airplanes V1.4 (DOS Program)=\Peter14\Peter.exe
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
Rachel's Fashion Dolls V2.6 (DOS Program)=\Dolla26\Doll.exe
School-Mom Plus For DOS 6.2 (DOS Program)=\sclmom62\read_me.bat
WinFlash V3.1=\Flash_31\Setupwf.exe
Wonder Word (DOS Program)=\Wonder\Wonder.exe
[Elementary Teacher's Aids]
Basketball Stats Power (DOS Program)=\Basketr\Basket.exe
Crossword Power (DOS Program)=\Crossp7E\Puzzle.exe
Gradebook Power (DOS Program)=\Gradep4U\Grades.exe
Grading Skills Power (DOS Program)=\Skills3D\Skills.exe
Survey Power (DOS Program)=\Survey3B\Survey.exe
Vocabulary Power (DOS Program)=\Vocabp3C\Bingo.exe
School-Mom For Windows Vol. 3=\Wmath10\Setup.exe
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
[Elementary Miscellaneous]
Animated Bugs (DOS Program)=\Abugs10\Bugs.bat
Card Match 2.2 (DOS Program)=\Cardm22\Cardmtch.exe
Dinosaur Predators 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Dinop40\Dp.exe
Hurkle 2.2 (DOS Program)=\Hurkle\Hurkle.exe
The Photo Robot V1.0=\Phro1\Setup.exe
Towers 1.4 (DOS Program)=\Towers14\Towers.exe
VGA Concentrate 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Vgacon40\Vc.exe
VGA Jigsaw 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Vgajig40\Vjig.exe
Z And Z Color 3.2=\Zzcolr32\Install.exe
Z And Z Puzzle 1.1=\Zzpuzz11\Install.exe
[Jr. High Arts]
A Musical Tutorial V1.2 (DOS Version)=\mtdos12\install.exe
A Musical Tutorial V1.4=\Mtwin14\Setup.exe
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
[Jr. High Foreign Language Skills]
Talking Spanish=\Spanish#\Spanish.exe
[Jr. High English Language Skills]
Developing Critical Thinking Skills (DOS Program)=\Dcts\Hello.exe
Diagnostic Prescriptive Reading (DOS Program)=\Dpr\Hello.exe
ESL Demons (DOS Program)=\Esldem\Hello.exe
GTI Wordgrid V2.1=\Gtiwrd21\Setup.exe
Grammar Demons (DOS Program)=\Gdemon\Hello.exe
Paragraph Punch (DOS Program)=\Ppunch\Hello.exe
Talking Spelling=\Spellin1\Spell1.exe
Type Games (DOS Program)=\Typegame\Typegame.exe
Weekly Speller V1.1=\Wspell11\Setup.exe
[Jr. High Science, Social Sciences]
GEOUSA V2.0=\GEOUSA20\Setup.exe
[Jr. High Teaching Aids]
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
Science Fair Graphs And Numbers (DOS Program)=\Sf101\Install.exe
WinFlash V3.1=\Flash_31\Setupwf.exe
[Jr. High Teacher's Aids]
Basketball Stats Power (DOS Program)=\Basketr\Basket.exe
BestTest V1.6 (DOS Program)=\Besttest\Bt.exe
Crossword Power (DOS Program)=\Crossp7E\Puzzle.exe
Gradebook Power (DOS Program)=\Gradep4U\Grades.exe
Grading Skills Power (DOS Program)=\Skills3D\Skills.exe
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
Survey Power (DOS Program)=\Survey3B\Survey.exe
Vocabulary Power (DOS Program)=\Vocabp3C\Bingo.exe
[High School Arts]
A Musical Tutorial V1.2 (DOS Program)=\mtdos12\install.exe
A Musical Tutorial V1.4=\Mtwin14\Setup.exe
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
[High School English Language Skills]
Cliche Finder 2.0 (DOS Program)=\Clich20\Clfinder.exe
Developing Critical Thinking Skills (DOS Program)=\Dcts\Hello.exe
ESL Demons (DOS Program)=\Esldem\Hello.exe
GTI Wordgrid V2.1=\Gtiwrd21\Setup.exe
Grammar Demons (DOS Program)=\Gdemon\Hello.exe
Paragraph Punch (DOS Program)=\Ppunch\Hello.exe
Verbal Vanquish 2.3 (DOS Program)=\Sat-Vv23\Install.exe
Weekly Speller V1.1=\Wspell11\Setup.exe
[High School Teaching Aids]
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
Science Fair Graphs And Numbers (DOS Program)=\Sf101\Install.exe
True Multiple-Choice DOS 2.3 (DOS Program)=\Truemd23\Read_Me.bat
WinFlash V3.1=\Flash_31\Setupwf.exe
[High School Teacher's Aids]
Basketball Stats Power (DOS Program)=\Basketr\Basket.exe
BestTest V1.6 (DOS Program)=\Besttest\Bt.exe
Crossword Power (DOS Program)=\Crossp7E\Puzzle.exe
Gradebook Power (DOS Program)=\Gradep4U\Grades.exe
Grading Skills Power (DOS Program)=\Skills3D\Skills.exe
Olympiad 1.6 (DOS Program)=\olympi16\read_me.bat
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
Sat Scores Converter 1.1=\Satcon11\Setup.exe
Survey Power (DOS Program)=\Survey3B\Survey.exe
Trainer 1.9 (DOS Program)=\Traine19\Read_Me.bat
Vocabulary Power (DOS Program)=\Vocabp3C\Bingo.exe
[High School Miscellaneous]
Personal Challenge 1.1 (DOS Program)=\Chall11\Chall.exe
Sat Scores Converter 1.1=\Satcon11\Setup.exe
[College & Adult Arts]
A Musical Tutorial V1.2 (DOS Version)=\mtdos12\install.exe
A Musical Tutorial V1.4=\Mtwin14\Setup.exe
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
[College & Adult Business]
Graphic Pro=\Graphpro\Setup.exe
Multimedia Player For Windows=\Player\Player.exe
Multimedia Maker Demo=\Mmmwin1\Mmm.exe
[College & Adult English Language Skills]
Biblogic V3.02 (DOS Program)=\Biblo302\Demo.bat
Cliche Finder 2.0 (DOS Program)=\Clich20\Clfinder.exe
Creativity Package 4.01 (DOS Program)=\Creat401\Readit.bat
Crossdown For Windows V2.1=\Xwdwin21\Setup.exe
Enigma Cross For Windows V2.0=\Emxwin20\Setup.exe
GTI Wordgrid V2.1=\Gtiwrd21\Setup.exe
Poetry Generator 2.5 (DOS Program)=\Poet25\Readme.bat
Verbal Vanquish 2.3 (DOS Program)=\Sat-Vv23\Install.exe
Weekly Speller V1.1=\Wspell11\Setup.exe
[College & Adult Hobbies & Leisure]
Healing Herbs (DOS Program)=\Herbs\Herbs.exe
Microfox Baseball Statistics 1.03=\Mbs103\Install.exe
Poetry Generator 2.5 (DOS Program)=\Poet25\Readme.bat
[College & Adult Science]
DC Circuit Analysis V1.4 (DOS Program)=\Dc\Dc.exe
Healing Herbs (DOS Program)=\Herbs\Herbs.exe
Home Plan 2.7 (DOS Program)=\Home27\Homepln.exe
KwikStat Statistical Data Analysis (DOS Program)=\Kstat40\Install.exe
Landscape Explorer V3.51=\Land351\Install.exe
Logic Circuit Analysis V1.1 (DOS Program)=\Logic\Logic.exe
Logic Circuit Analysis V1.1 (DOS Program)=\Logic\Logic.exe
Training Computer (DOS Program)=\Trac\Trac.exe
[College & Adult Teaching Aids]
Create A Quiz V3.03 (DOS Program)=\quiz303\read_me.bat
Graphic Pro=\Graphpro\Setup.exe
Multimedia Maker Demo=\Mmmwin1\Mmm.exe
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
Training Computer (DOS Program)=\Trac\Trac.exe
True Multiple-Choice DOS 2.3 (DOS Program)=\Truemd23\Read_Me.bat
WinFlash V3.1=\Flash_31\Setupwf.exe
[College & Adult Teacher's Aids]
BestTest V1.6 (DOS Program)=\Besttest\Bt.exe
Biblogic V3.02 (DOS Program)=\Biblo302\Demo.bat
Olympiad 1.6 (DOS Program)=\olympi16\read_me.bat
Piano Professor V2.50=\Pprof25\Setup.exe
Trainer 1.9 (DOS Program)=\Traine19\Read_Me.bat
[College & Adult Miscellaneous]
Crossdown For Windows V2.1=\Xwdwin21\Setup.exe
Enigma Cross For Windows V2.0=\Emxwin20\Setup.exe
Microfox Baseball Statistics 1.03=\Mbs103\Install.exe
Personal Challenge 1.1 (DOS Program)=\Chall11\Chall.exe
Poetry Generator 2.5 (DOS Program)=\Poet25\Readme.bat
[Uncategorized Arts]
3D Fun & Magic Stereogram Generator V1.0 (DOS Program)=\3Dfun10\Install.exe
Kid's Art 1.1=\Kdsart11\Readme.bat
Midiart V3.0=\Mart30\Setup.exe
Wizart V1.0=\Wizart\Install.exe
[Uncategorized Business Skills]
Address Librarian V1.15 (DOS Program)=\Adlib115\Install.exe
Business Ethics Training Kit (DOS Program)=\Ethik\Aware.exe
D-Jet Survival Kit V3.2 (DOS Program)=\Inkjet32\Go.bat
Debt Analyzer For Windows V2.01=\Debtw201\Setup.exe
Disk Note Librarian V4.12 (DOS Program)=\Dnote412\Dnote.exe
Electronic Text Publishing System V3.02 (DOS Program)=\Etext302\Go.bat
Envelopes Plus...V4.16 (DOS Program)=\Env416\Go.bat
Home Loan Diary V3.0 (DOS Program)=\Loan300\Loan.exe
Japanese Business Culture (DOS Program)=\Jap\Learn1.exe
Keyboard Express V1.1=\Keyex110\Setup.exe
SmartTracker Inventory V2.5=\Tkh250\Setup.exe
Spread 'Em Out V1.1=\Spread\Install.exe
The Disk Vendor V3.0Gb (DOS Program)=\Vend30Gb\Go.bat
The Paper Saver V2.50 (DOS Program)=\Saver250\Go.bat
Vendview For Windows V1.00=\Vndvuw10\Setup.exe
Winks V4.1 (DOS Program)=\Winks41\Setup.exe
Zip Express V1.1=\Zipex110\Setup.exe
[Uncategorized English Language Skills]
Crossword Challenge V1.2 (DOS Program)=\Xword120\Xword.exe
Crossword Construction Kit V2.0B=\Cwkit20B\Setup.exe
Editeur V2.3=\Ed23\Install.exe
Quote-Tris V1.02 (DOS Program)=\Quote102\Quotris.exe
Reverend Lowell's Treasury Of Humor 1.2=\Lowell12\Install.exe
Show 'N Spell V2.10 (DOS Program)=\spell210\read_me.bat
Word Search Construction Kit V2.0C=\Wskit20C\Setup.exe
Word Search Rampage V3.0=\Wwsrch30\Setup.exe
Word Wrestle V1.1=\Wordw110\Setup.exe
[Uncategorized Hobbies & Leisure]
3-Ball Juggler V1.30 (DOS Program)=\3Bjug130\J.exe
Audio Librarian V2.15 (DOS Program)=\aud215\install.exe
Book Librarian V2.16 (DOS Program)=\Bl216\Install.exe
Book Librarian For Windows V2.5=\Blw250\Setup.exe
EZ-Tree Genealogy System (DOS Program)=\Ezt230\Install.exe
Household Register V3.15 (DOS Program)=\Hr315\Setup.exe
Household Register For Windows 4.10=\Hrw410\Install.exe
Kid's Art 1.1=\Kdsart11\Readme.bat
Mayan Calendar 3.8A (DOS Program)=\Mayan38A\Mayan.exe
Video Librarian V4.15 (DOS Program)=\Vlb415\Setup.exe
Video Librarian For Windows V4.10=\Vlw410\Install.exe
Wizart V1.0=\Wizart\Install.exe
[Uncategorized Religion]
A Bible Companion V5.10 (DOS Program)=\Bcomp510\Bcomp.exe
Acts Of The Apostles V4.10 (DOS Program)=\Acts410\Acts.exe
Animated New Testament (DOS Program)=\Anewt30\Newt.bat
Bible Crossword Puzzles V1.2 (DOS Program)=\Bxword12\Xword.exe
Frontlets (For Dos) V3.10 (DOS Program)=\front310\setup.exe
Frontlets For Windows V1.3=\Frontw13\Install.exe
Gospel Parallels V2.2 (DOS Program)=\Gospel22\Go.bat
Here A Little, There A Little...V1.10 (DOS Program)=\Hal110\Hal.exe
King James Dictionary V1.3=\kjdict13\install.exe
Kjvocabulary V1.10 (DOS Program)=\Kjv110\Go.bat
Memory Verse V3.41 (DOS Program)=\Mvers341\Installc.bat
Parables Of The Messiah V1.26.96 (DOS Program)=\Parables\Parables.exe
Proverbs Of Solomon V2.1 (DOS Program)=\Provso21\Proverbs.exe
Questions From The Bible V1.2 (DOS Program)=\Qbible12\Question.exe
Scripture Quest V5.04 (DOS Program)=\Sq504\Go.bat
The Grape Vine V4.10 (DOS Program)=\vine410\read_me.bat
[Uncategorized Science, Astronomy and Space]
Earthwatch (DOS Program)=\ewatch35\ewv35.exe
[Uncategorized Science, Earth Science]
Earthwatch (DOS Program)=\ewatch35\ewv35.exe
Know It All (DOS Program)=\Knowit\Knowit.exe
[Uncategorized Science, Social Sciences]
Reverend Lowell's Treasury Of Humor 1.2=\Lowell12\Install.exe
[Uncategorized Teaching Aids]
Crossword Construction Kit V2.0B=\Cwkit20B\Setup.exe
Earthwatch (DOS Program)=\ewatch35\ewv35.exe
Earthwatch (DOS Program)=\ewatch35\ewv35.exe
Gen7 Accountant Module 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Ac21\G7.bat
Gen7 Children's Tutors 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Tu21\G7.bat
Gen7 Compression Module 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Cm21\G7.bat
Gen7 New Testament Bible Study 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Nt21\G7.bat
Gen7 Old Testament Bible Study 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Ot21\G7.bat
Gen7 Program Manager 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Pr21\G7.bat
Gen7 Song Database 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7So21\G7.bat
Gen7 Voice Module Data V2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Vo21\G7.bat
Quote-Tris V1.02 (DOS Program)=\Quote102\Quotris.exe
Remotely Possible V1.1C=\Rp3295\Setup.exe
Reverend Lowell's Treasury Of Humor 1.2=\Lowell12\Install.exe
Show 'N Spell V2.10 (DOS Program)=\spell210\read_me.bat
Win U 2.0=\Winu203\Install.exe
Word Search Construction Kit V2.0C=\Wskit20C\Setup.exe
Word Search Rampage V3.0=\Wwsrch30\Setup.exe
Word Wrestle V1.1=\Wordw110\Setup.exe
[Uncategorized Teacher's Aids]
Crossword Construction Kit V2.0B=\Cwkit20B\Setup.exe
Editeur V2.3=\Ed23\Install.exe
Hint-Hunt 2.4S (DOS Program)=\Hinthunt\Hinthunt.exe
I'M Out=\Imoutb\Setup.exe
Organize: Your Books (DOS Program)=\Books7\Install.exe
Organize: Your Music (DOS Program)=\Music7\Install.exe
Organize: Your Books=\Booksm\Setup.exe
Organize: Your Videos=\Videom\Setup.exe
R&R School Master For Windows V1.08=\Sm108\Setup.exe
Remotely Possible V1.1C=\Rp3295\Setup.exe
Smilershell 3.1=\Smish314\Install.exe
Spread 'Em Out V1.1=\Spread\Install.exe
Win U 2.0=\Winu203\Install.exe
Word Search Construction Kit V2.0C=\Wskit20C\Setup.exe
Word Search Rampage V3.0=\Wwsrch30\Setup.exe
[Uncategorized Miscellaneous]
3D Fun & Magic Stereogram Generator V1.0 (DOS Program)=\3Dfun10\Install.exe
A Day At The Races V1.3=\Horsea13\Install.exe
A Little Painter V1.0=\Color\Setup.exe
Ancient Yacht V2.1=\Yta21\Install.exe
Animated Memory Game (DOS Program)=\amem30\amem.bat
Animated VGA Memory Game (DOS Program)=\amemv10\amv10.bat
Audio Librarian V2.15 (DOS Program)=\aud215\install.exe
BBS Access (DOS Program)=\Bbs222\Install.exe
Bannerific V2.1 (DOS Program)=\Banner\Install.exe
Best Of The ESC Newsletter=\Bestesc\Go.bat
Billy The Kid Returns (DOS Program)=\Billy40\Kid.exe
Blitzcopy V2.0 (DOS Program)=\Blitzc20\Install.exe
Book Librarian V2.16 (DOS Program)=\Bl216\Install.exe
Book Librarian For Windows V2.5=\Blw250\Setup.exe
By Phone=\Byphone\Setup.exe
By The Numbers 5.4A (DOS Program)=\Numb54A\Numbers.exe
Citizen Printer Utilities (DOS Program)=\Ctzn40\Citizen.exe
Clock In=\Clockn\Setup.exe
Content Label Rating 1.0 (DOS Program)=\Clr10\Readme.bat
Crystal Ball 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Crstl40\Crystal.exe
Curses! 3.1 (DOS Program)=\Curse31\Curses.exe
D-Jet Survival Kit V3.2 (DOS Program)=\Inkjet32\Go.bat
Disk Note Librarian V4.12 (DOS Program)=\Dnote412\Dnote.exe
Editeur V2.3=\Ed23\Install.exe
Electronic Text Publishing System V3.02 (DOS Program)=\Etext302\Go.bat
Envelopes Plus...V4.16 (DOS Program)=\Env416\Go.bat
FM Guard V2.09=\Fmgrd209\Setup.exe
FM Stepup For Nt V3.35=\Fmsnt335\Setup.exe
FM Stepup V3.27=\Fmsu327\Setup.exe
FM Toolbar V2.25=\Fmtb225\Setup.exe
Fed Forms Editor (DOS Program)=\Fed114\Install.exe
Fortune Teller 4.4A (DOS Program)=\Fort44A\Fortune.exe
GTI Desktop V1.2=\Gtidsk12\Setup.exe
Gen7 Accountant Module 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Ac21\G7.bat
Gen7 Children's Tutors 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Tu21\G7.bat
Gen7 Command Line Editor V 1.7 (DOS Program)=\G7Cledit\G7Cledit.exe
Gen7 Compression Module 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Cm21\G7.bat
Gen7 New Testament Bible Study 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Nt21\G7.bat
Gen7 Old Testament Bible Study 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Ot21\G7.bat
Gen7 Program Manager 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Pr21\G7.bat
Gen7 Song Database 2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7So21\G7.bat
Gen7 Voice Module Data V2.1 (DOS Program)=\G7Vo21\G7.bat
Geomancy 4.7 (DOS Program)=\Geo47\Geo.exe
HDM (Hard Disk Menu) (DOS Program)=\Hdm503\Install.exe
Home Multimedia Database=\Homem\Setup.exe
Household Register V3.15 (DOS Program)=\Hr315\Setup.exe
Household Register For Windows 4.10=\Hrw410\Install.exe
Lights Go Down V2.2=\Lights22\Install.exe
Little Lists 3.2 (DOS Program)=\Llist32\Little.exe
MX Shareware Database V1.96 (DOS Program)=\Mxdb\Install.exe
Mayan Calendar 3.8A (DOS Program)=\Mayan38A\Mayan.exe
Microfox Baseball Statistics For Win 1.06=\Mbs106\Setup.exe
Midiart V3.0=\Mart30\Setup.exe
Mplus 2.4A (DOS Program)=\mplus24a\readme.bat
Orbots, The Game (DOS Program)=\Orbots\Install.exe
Organize: Your Sports Cards (DOS Program)=\Cards7\Install.exe
Organize: Your Stamps (DOS Program)=\Stamp7\Install.exe
Organize: Your Videos (DOS Program)=\Video7\Install.exe
Organize: Your Music=\Musicm\Setup.exe
Personal Tarot 3.1 (DOS Program)=\Tarot31\Readme.bat
Picture Id=\Picturid\Setup.exe
Practical Jokes 2.0 (DOS Program)=\Pjokes20\Readme.bat
Recap 5.1 (DOS Program)=\Recap51\Readme.bat
Remotely Possible V1.1C=\Rp3295\Setup.exe
Renegade Robot Retaliation V2.0 (DOS Program)=\rrret20\read_me.bat
Richard Webster System 4.1 (DOS Program)=\Web41\Readme.bat
Scubaman's Quest 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Scuba40\Scuba.exe
See (DOS Program)=\See510\Install.exe
SmartTracker Books V2.5=\Tkb250\Setup.exe
SmartTracker Coins V2.5=\Tkc250\Setup.exe
SmartTracker Stamps V2.5=\Tks250\Setup.exe
SmartTracker Videos V2.5=\Tkv250\Setup.exe
Smilershell 3.1=\Smish314\Install.exe
Super Marble Solitaire V1.3=\Sprsol13\Setup.exe
The Disk Vendor V3.0Gb (DOS Program)=\Vend30Gb\Go.bat
The Paper Saver V2.50 (DOS Program)=\Saver250\Go.bat
The Phantom At The Elementary School=\Phantom\Setup.exe
Type-It V2.01 (DOS Program)=\Typeit20\Typeit.exe
Vendview For Windows V1.00=\Vndvuw10\Setup.exe
Video Librarian V4.15 (DOS Program)=\Vlb415\Setup.exe
Video Librarian For Windows V4.10=\Vlw410\Install.exe
What I Did=\Whatid\Setup.exe
Win U 2.0=\Winu203\Install.exe
WinBridge V1.3=\Winbri13\Winbri.exe
WinJottr V1.0=\Jottr_10\Setupwj.exe
WinKillr V1.1=\Killr_11\Setupwk.exe
WinPrice V1.0=\Price_10\Setupwp.exe
WinUpD8R V4.2=\Upd8R_42\Setupwu.exe
Wiseowl Shareware V9.0 C (DOS Program)=\Owlcatv9\Ow.bat
Wizart V1.0=\Wizart\Install.exe
Workbase 4.31 (DOS Program)=\Work431\Readme.bat
Wynter Stone's I Ching 1.2 (DOS Program)=\Iching12\Iching.exe
Your ESP Test 1.5 (DOS Program)=\Esp15\Esp.exe
Type Games (DOS Program)=\Typegame\Typegame.exe
Card Match 2.2 (DOS Program)=\Cardm22\Cardmtch.exe
Dot-Mania V1.2 (DOS Program)=\Dotman12\Dot2Dot.bat
Hurkle 2.2 (DOS Program)=\Hurkle\Hurkle.exe
Towers 1.4 (DOS Program)=\Towers14\Towers.exe
VGA Concentrate 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Vgacon40\Vc.exe
VGA Jigsaw 4.0 (DOS Program)=\Vgajig40\Vjig.exe
Animated Old Testament V1.0 (DOS Program)=\Aot10\Aot.bat
Type Games (DOS Program)=\Typegame\Typegame.exe
Math Attack II: Fractions V1.0 (DOS Program)=\Fraction\Install.exe
Science Fair Graphs And Numbers (DOS Program)=\Sf101\Install.exe
XYSee 4.0A (DOS Program)=\XYSee4A\Install.exe
Science Fair Graphs And Numbers (DOS Program)=\Sf101\Install.exe
The Constitution Notebook For DOS V3.1 (DOS Program)=\tcndos31\readme.com
The Constitution Notebook For DOS V3.1 (DOS Program)=\tcndos31\readme.com
Life 2.5 (DOS Program)=\Life25\Life.exe
KwikStat Statistical Data Analysis (DOS Program)=\Kstat40\Install.exe
Mandelbrot/Julia Set V5.6 (DOS Program)=\Mand56A\Man.exe
Math Attack II: Fractions V1.0 (DOS Program)=\Fraction\Install.exe
Science Fair Graphs And Numbers (DOS Program)=\Sf101\Install.exe
XYSee 4.0A (DOS Program)=\XYSee4A\Install.exe
DC Circuit Analysis V1.4 (DOS Program)=\Dc\Dc.exe
Home Plan 2.7 (DOS Program)=\Home27\Homepln.exe
KwikStat Statistical Data Analysis (DOS Program)=\Kstat40\Install.exe
Mandelbrot/Julia Set V5.6 (DOS Program)=\Mand56A\Man.exe
Science Fair Graphs And Numbers (DOS Program)=\Sf101\Install.exe
The Constitution Notebook For DOS V3.1 (DOS Program)=\tcndos31\readme.com
The Constitution Notebook For DOS V3.1 (DOS Program)=\tcndos31\readme.com
Ingles-Ingles V1.1 (DOS Program)=\Ingles11\Install.exe
Spanish Helper V1.6 (DOS Program)=\Spanh16\Install.exe
KwikStat Statistical Data Analysis (DOS Program)=\Kstat40\Install.exe
XYSee 4.0A (DOS Program)=\XYSee4A\Install.exe
Australian Myths and Legends (DOS Program)=\M&L1\myths&1.exe
Know It All (DOS Program)=\Knowit\Knowit.exe
Who Discovered Australia? (DOS Program)=\wda\who.exe
Creez Vos Tests (DOS Program)=\Frenchqz\Quiz.exe
Hebrew Flashcards V1.62 (DOS Program)=\Hfc162\Hfc.exe
Boxer/Dos 7.0A (DOS Program)=\Boxer70A\Boxer.exe
Know It All (DOS Program)=\Knowit\Knowit.exe
Animated Old Testament V1.0 (DOS Program)=\Aot10\Aot.bat
John's Animated Computer Game (DOS Program)=\Ajohn30\John.bat
Animated Addition And Subtraction (DOS Program)=\Addsub10\Addsub.bat
Animated Shapes (DOS Program)=\Shapes10\Shapes.bat